Friday, May 8, 2015

Canada Day

Canada Day, formerly known as Dominion Day, is a day to celebrate the anniversary of the Confederation of Canada. Back then it only had four provinces. Today it has ten provinces and three territories. Celebrations take place throughout the country. Parades, festivals, barbecues and fireworks are some of them. Lots of people wear red and white on this day or paint their faces with these colours.

In Quebec, Canada Day is known as Moving Day. Many home leases start on July 1st and last exactly one year. 

In Newfoundland, July 1st is known as Memorial Day. This commemorates the heavy loss of life in the Newfoundland Regiment on day 1 of the Battle of the Somme during the first world war. The morning of July 1st is somber. Flags are flown at hslf mast and memorial services are held.